Exploring the Future: Robotics and AI Adventure is an educational program designed to introduce high school students to the fascinating fields of robotics and artificial intelligence (AI). This course provides a comprehensive understanding of robotics and AI technologies, covering both the fundamental principles and real-world applications.
Throughout the course, students will engage in hands-on activities, including building and programming robots, understanding AI concepts, and working with various sensors and actuators. They will develop essential problem-solving skills, explore the ethicalconsiderations surrounding AI, and participate in collaborative projects that promoteteamwork and communication.
The program also offers a glimpse into the emerging trends in robotics and AI. Our advanced learning resources ensure a supportive learning environment where safety is a top priority. By enrolling in this course, students could lay a solid foundation in STEM education and prepare for future endeavors in robotics and AI.
LUNCH: Students staying for full day or for both morning and afternoon sessions can bring or buy their lunch. All students will eat lunch on Campus in The Commons, a small food court.