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BUILD A REX ROBOT: Students will compete in a challenge where they will learn how to design, build and program a VEX Robot. The competition will be centered on the Engineering Grand Challenges which aim to solve some of the world’s biggest issues. This program is designed for all levels of experience; ranging from beginner to expert programmer.

The course will:

  • Focus on using the engineering design process to develop a solution to a robotics game based around the Grand Challenges.
  • Teach students how to program both controlled and autonomous robots using the VEX platform.
  • Introduce students to the Engineering Design Processs

LUNCH: Students staying for full day or for both morning and afternoon sessions can bring or buy their lunch.  All students will eat lunch on Campus in The Commons, a small food court.  

  • BUILD A VEX ROBOT! -  High School
  • Fee: $299.00
    Dates: 7/14/2025 - 7/18/2025
    Times: 9:00 AM - 12:00 PM
    Days: Daily
    Building: UMBC Campus (SEA)
    Instructor: Robert Oehrli

    Build A VEX Robot: Students will compete in a challenge where they will learn how to design, build and program a VEX Robot. The competition will be centered on the Engineering Grand Challenges which aim to solve some of the world’s biggest issues. This program is designed for all levels of experience; ranging from beginner to expert programmer.

    Learn more.


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